Tuesday, November 28, 2006

One good turn deserves another

When I find someone saying nice things about me on their blogs, I like to call attention to it -- whatever it takes to get more of that sort of thing!

Today I followed one of the "hits" on my blog (via site meter) back to the blog, Flos Carmeli, which as we all know is Latin for Floss of Caramel, which sounds very tasty, although highly impractical. But who cares when you're eating caramel?

If you visit this site, do ask where one can buy caramel floss; if it's sugar-free, we're off to the races!


owenswain said...

Linked in from Flos. In an unrelated comment, having read your mini bio in the sidebar...I am a former Pentecostal minister of 20 years and a recent convert, Jan 2006, to the Catholic faith along with my wife and all of our teen/adult children. PTL.

Ellyn said...

We had bubble gum flavored floss once.
Didn't work out well...one the kids kept trying to eat it.

Anonymous said...

Gavin over at Laudamus te gave you props a couple days back, too.

Anonymous said...

Now was that really necessary young man? Making fun of the "Flower of Carmel" (aka Our Lady of Mt. Carmel). Somebody cut me a switch...

Clare, OCDS