You may be wondering why I haven't posted pictures of the new Saint Boniface. Well, for the following reasons: First, I'm more incompetent than you can imagine; I simply do not know how to send a picture from my cell phone to anything else. Second, I have been crazy-busy the past few weeks, and no, it didn't get any better after Easter. And third, I really do want to wait until it's essentially finished. As it happens, several key items of artwork were not finished for Easter, despite much hard work. The six, new images of the saints chosen by the parish were all finally set in place last night around 9 pm, and we blessed them before 10:30 am Mass today, along with those that were restored to the church. But there are some additional items still to be completed in the sanctuary this coming week. So...God willing, by next Sunday, all the pieces will be in place, and I'll have some photos.
Meanwhile, if ever your pastor considers having first communions the week before Easter, and confirmation the week after, kindly tell him he's a crazy man! (We didn't have much choice, just the way things played out; but oh! it has been a marathon, not counting many other trials and difficulties.)
The year my son made his first communion the bishop didn't give them the confirmation date they wanted but assigned them the one date they didn't want. The schedule that weekend
Friday 6 pm rehearsal for morning first communion
Friday 7:30 pm rehearsal for afternoon first communion.
Saturday 9 am mass
Saturday 11 am ~45 children made their first communion
Saturday 1 pm ~ 45 children made their first communion
Saturday 3:30 confession
Saturday 4 Mass
Sunday 8 Mass
Sunday 9 religious ed
Sunday 10:30 Mass
Sunday 11:30 religious ed
Sunday 1 Confirmation
Sunday 5 Mass
Monday am - assistant moves all his possessions to new parish and begins work there.
Take me word for it, you don't want that schedule either.
just to say my Catholic Mom of Ten is just Lead kindly light,...thanks for linking to that..
Sending and downloading photos? Hire a kid: they'll have it done in 60 seconds flat! :)
There is no need to Rush
and as he said you can take any kid on the street to help you with the phone...
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