Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A day in the life...latest episode

Here is my day today...

Up around 7 am, a little after...over to the church before 7:30 am to turn on the lights (the doors open automatically)...then I prayed my office...

One of the older parishioners came in, asked me a question; then he explained, "I'm serving for you today"--the schoolchildren were scheduled during the summer, but school begins this week...

Holy Mass at 8:15; I explained what I could about Saint John Eudes and the Two Hearts: Jesus' and Mary's...

After Mass, I visited with folks a bit; then headed back to the rectory for some coffee and cereal -- I don't eat breakfast until after Holy Mass...

Since the office staff hasn't seen me since Thursday (they don't work Friday, I don't work Monday), they had many questions; I had my breakfast, and organized things a bit, in preparation for an appointment at 10 am...

"Father, Clara Jones stopped in just now, looking for you; she's in church; she wants to be anointed"...

I head over to church, just as the couple I'm expecting comes in--"I'll be right back"...

Clara was in the pew; "did we set this up?" "Yes, Father, don't you remember?" Just then, I did. Oops!

I take care of Clara, and apologize for rushing off, explaining I double-booked; then I apologize to the couple who were waiting. Note to self: never make any appointments when you're not at your desk with your calendar! (But people always ask right after church...and it's hard to say no all the time...)

The couple and I finish up; and I'm back to my computer. I have to get my email set up and my calendar organized, something I haven't done properly since I came here. A few phone calls and visits intervene...

Meanwhile, I'm thinking about my brother. He wrote me a couple of weeks prior, saying he would be passing through Ohio today, and when he got in the area, could we get together? The plan was to meet him down in Englewood, right near I-70; he'd call when he got close. When would he call? I had a lot this afternoon...

I remembered the appointment, with a couple getting married, that I wanted to reschedule to allow me to visit with my brother; I never heard back! Did I remember to call? I called again. We connect; we reschedule.

I keep working on office stuff, till around 1:10 pm, when I need to head over to Versailles (the next town over) for Holy Mass at the nursing home. I remember how, when I showed up last month -- my first time there -- I'd brought everything, and they'd already had everything I needed! So this time, I wouldn't bring all that stuff...

When I get there, I remember...they have everything...except wine! No wine. "We have some blackberry wine, Father..." "No, sorry, it must be pure grape wine..." A daughter of one of the patients kindly volunteers to run and get some; I emphasize, it must be pure grape wine... I pray that's what she brings back. Twenty minutes after we're supposed to start, after I've asked questions, told stories, and given a kind of homily in advance, she returns! Thank heaven, it's pure grape wine. We have Holy Mass, ending only ten minutes late.

As I leave, I look at my phone; no call from my brother. I head back to the parish. I fiddle around in my office. I'm a little bored; I help the secretary and her daughter count the candle money, and I enjoy quizzing the daughter about the people who are on the currency (I explain the difference between "currency" and "money" -- only she knows already!). After they go home, I head over to church, to set up for the very-early Mass tomorrow at 5:45 am...

When I walk into the sacristy, my phone beeps; it's my brother! The phone message is late! I have to go...now!

I race down State Route 48, to meet him and his wife in Englewood. They seem content to sit and read and visit, waiting for me; we have a nice visit, but after awhile, it's time for them to go; they have to press on to Zanesville (I tell them about Mr. Zane -- whose first name I cannot recall -- and "Zane's Trace," and how it was the path our ancestor, Adam Fox, likely trod on his journey from Virginia to Cincinnati). Off they go, and off I go...

Back home, around 7:15 pm. As I drive back, I remember I had some steaks I was going to cook, and I think, I'd better do it tonight, because I'm busy tomorrow, and Thursday, and then it's Friday...so I'll do it tonight. I have a new grill--donated by some parishioners!--so I decide to break it in.

I start up the grill; someone told me, rub oil on the grilles, but only after it's hot; so after I warm it up, I'm rubbing olive oil on the grates, while they get hotter and hotter; then I go inside and get the steaks ready...Yes, I do have a libation...out with the steaks, on the grill...finish the libation...check the steaks...not quite ready, inside to check voicemail...back to get the steaks...

Someone gave me some corn, so I heat that up...one steak on the plate, one put away for later,  plus a glass of wine...

Delicious! Now I'm writing about my day...and I remember: I never prayed Vespers! That's next...


TerryC said...

I absolutely live by my calendar, which is why I've gone to an online calendar. That way when I make an appointment and I'm not at my desk I can record it on my phone and when I check later it's on the calendar on my desk computer.
And it lets others with access both see my calendar and propose meetings if I'm not in the office.

rcg said...

Yep, good suggestion. Use smartphone and synch desk calendar of the desktop computer. Use reminder beeps, but turn off the stupid ringer, vibrate only. You can give update privileges if you want.

Use canola oil on the grill, cheaper and just as good for that purpose.