Tuesday, January 23, 2024

My version of the Archbishop's homily on the CMA (Sunday homily)

 Jesus has an urgent message in the Gospel. It can even be startling. 

Imagine sitting at the dinner table, 

You’re talking about sports or the events of the day, 

and a family member stands up and blurts out, 

“The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent!”

Something like that might be laughed off.

But if we take it seriously, it’s not change around the margins. 

It’s a total transformation. A new life.

So, for such a message not to be waved off 

requires a certain depth of credibility on the part of the messenger.

Notice the two things I am highlighting:

- Jesus’ call to us to change ourselves and to help others change, 


- Our own credibility as messengers for Christ.

That’s a good segue into our annual Catholic Ministries Appeal. 

This is the weekend all parishes in the Archdiocese 

highlight this project. 

Many times you hear an audio message from Archbishop Schnurr. 

I personally prefer to build my homily around his message.

The good parts came from him; any clunky parts are what I added!

The Catholic Ministries Appeal is something 

the entire Archdiocese does, together, 

doing so much to offer help and hope,

far beyond what any of us could do alone.

And the many good works of this fund 

are what show our world that we don’t just talk a good game; 

this demonstrates that we live it. 

That makes us credible witnesses for the Light of Christ 

in a world of many dark places.

Through the Catholic Ministries Appeal you and I support: 

Catholic Charities of Southwest Ohio; 

Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley; 

hospital, campus, and prison chaplaincies; 

the Center for New Evangelization; St. Rita School for the Deaf; 

Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology; 

and our retired priests and senior clergy. 

This is how you and I serve hundreds of thousands of meals 

every year to the hungry, 

and provide a life-changing education at St. Rita School for the Deaf.

Last year, we welcomed seven people in prison, into the Catholic Faith. Our hospital chaplains, in their outreach, 

made more than 40,000 visits to patients and families.

If you have a family member in college, 

our campus ministries are helping them live their faith 

at a challenging time in their lives.

We ordained seven men to the priesthood last spring, 

along with fourteen men as permanent deacons. 

More than 50 seminarians are studying for our archdiocese, 

and we have more than 100 retired priests, 

many of whom, like Father Tom Shearer, 

are staying active and providing invaluable help. 

The one-day Genesis pre-Cana retreat for engaged couples 

offered throughout the year was made possible by 

the Center for the New Evangelization. 

The same Center also brings Totus Tuus 

to our parishes each summer for our children.

To repeat: this $5 Million fund is a way we, together, 

can shine the light of Christ in our community, 

showing this community we are serious about following Jesus.

Last year’s CMA campaign reached new heights in lives changed. 

On behalf of Archbishop Schnurr, 

thank you to everyone who helped in the past, 

and thank you for your continued involvement. 

If you have not donated to the CMA in the past, 

please consider joining thousands of others this year

in supporting these worthy ministries.

Ultimately, this is an opportunity to give a response, 

not to the Archbishop, but to God. 

This is one practical way you and I say thank you, 

and make a difference. 

1 comment:

rcg said...

Beautiful comment. I get a hand written message from a seminarian each year, thanking me for my gift. I save them and have names to remember in my prayers. This is a valuable connection between the mundane and the sublime for me.