Sunday, February 04, 2024

Another provocative question about Beacons of Light

If you are in an airplane and the plane crashes and you and the other survivors are in the middle of unfamiliar landscape -- maybe a forest or a desert -- you have several options, perhaps more than you realize at first; but very likely, all are variations of bad. The one option you do not have is to roll back the tape and be back in the sky, in the plane, jetting toward your destination. 

What do you do?

One option that is almost certainly not preferable is to attempt to mimic the foreclosed possibility, say: everyone getting back in their seats, and having the pilot sit in the cockpit, and the flight attendants roaming the aisles, as if everyone was back in a better situation. That is to say, if what you want to do is recreate the desired-but-unavailable option, you are probably not choosing well. That is not to say that staying in the plane would be a worse option; it might actually be the best of all undesirable choices. But proceed with realism about what really is available, and what is not, and what the risks and benefits are of the various choices.

If you aren't sure what this has to do with Beacons of Light, ask. Better than assuming the answer and then attacking me, the messenger, for what you imagined I mean.


Anonymous said...

I have a final question: i asked about a blessing and I have autism. I’m establishing a Christian Micronation/kingdom in my room in my house and I was wondering if you could (virtually in a comment below) say a blessing or a prayer for me to become king. It would mean a lot to me if you could. Thanks.

Fr Martin Fox said...


I am happy to encourage you in your "micronation," and I hope that goes well. I'll be happy to offer this prayer:

May God watch over this servant and help him grow in faith, hope and love, and may his micronation project help in that endeavor. We ask this through Christ our Lord, amen.

Anonymous said...

I had a coworker who used to say, “wherever you are, be there.” It is a common problem for people to want to deny the reality and limitations of their situations and build fanciful solutions like Jules Verne to situations that don’t exist. It’s only human. We are like the Israelites in Pharos’s Egypt. We came from a land of our own but ended up in a place we can’t abide. Now we must find our way back to our home. The journey is unpleasant and it would be easier to stop where we are and maybe invent a less difficult god to worship. But that won’t feed us or protect us.