I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified
-- St. Paul, I Corinthians 2:2
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
My personal motto
I just decided what my personal motto should be:
Utvisumnotitia bonaid temporis.
"It seemed like a good idea at the time."
*According to Google Translate. Any Latinists, please assist.
Several years ago, Target was selling t-shirts with that slogan (in English) in the boys department. I realized later I should have bought one in every size going up.
Eo tempore, bonum videbatur or Eo tempore bonum videtue. (you could get by with the snappier "videtur" as a historical present, i.e. statement of something that always seems true. J. Ryan
Several years ago, Target was selling t-shirts with that slogan (in English) in the boys department. I realized later I should have bought one in every size going up.
According to http://www.angelfire.com/empire/martiana/gens/LatinPhrasesV.html it's:
Videbat esse notitia bona id temporis
Eo tempore, bonum videbatur or
Eo tempore bonum videtue. (you could get by with the snappier "videtur" as a historical present, i.e. statement of something that always seems true.
J. Ryan
Eo tempore, bonum videbatur.
What a bizarre motto for a Catholic priest, or any member of the clergy. But, then again, it explains a lot.
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How does one say in Latin, "I have no sense of humor"?
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