Here's what our fine Promoter of Vocations, Father Kyle Schnippel wrote on his site:
If you are looking for something proactive to do in support of the priesthood and vocations, be at the Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center on Sunday, September 21, 7:00 in the evening for our inaugural Call of the King Conference. The conference is free and open to all; see you there!
If you are looking for something proactive to do in support of the priesthood and vocations, be at the Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center on Sunday, September 21, 7:00 in the evening for our inaugural Call of the King Conference. The conference is free and open to all; see you there!
Alas, I will be on vacation at that time, so I am unable to be there. But I am grateful for what Father Schnippel is doing--he'll be here in Piqua in November--to promote vocations, not only with his various initiatives, but by his own example.
But as the second paragraph quoted above indicates, this is an effort for all the faithful, really, the laity will do most of what it takes to bring about more vocations. Priests can (and should) promote vocations in their words and actions, Catholic schools and parishes doing the same; but it is in the domestic church, the home, where the heavy lifting is done.
What's more, 99% of the conversations in which the subject is broached, take place without a priest anywhere around--so who will be there to give the encouragement needed?
Finally, it's so essential we approach this with the virtue of hope: negativity does not cause the virtues of faith, hope and love to flourish. If young men hear priests being bashed, or priests emphasizing the negative, or folks being fatalistic, it does not seem to me that will help.
Thankfully, our promoter of vocations, Father Schnippel, and his office, radiate joy and hope. You can read all about this event by clicking on the headline above; and please visit his web site Called by Name. I hear, but cannot confirm, that he sits by the computer, waiting for at least someone to visit each day!
pink flip flops
all i'm saying
Dear Father Fox,
Thank you so much for helping us promote St Michael Prayer Warriors and our inaugural event Call of the King. We very much want to promote prayer for more good and holy vocations but also for our current priests - that they are good and holy priests.
I also want to thank you for a laugh out loud read - particularly the last sentence!!
Now - of course - we could go for another good laugh - how about the story of pink flip flops?
In the seminary, I had a pair of black flip flops. You know the sort I mean: you get them for a buck or two at the beach and they have a strip of plastic on the top in various day-glow colors. When your feet are burning on the hot sands, you don't much care what that second color is; at least I don't. Alas, some are not so secure in their masculinity.
If I can find my way to Cinci on that day I'll be there.
Watching Mass yesterday reminded me of why I'm discerning to be a priest.
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