Tuesday, December 24, 2024

God's Face (Christmas homily)


I know everyone over 50 remembers the “Charlie Brown Christmas.” 

Does everyone under 50 remember seeing it?

The premise is simple: poor Charlie Brown is wandering around, 

trying to figure out the “true meaning of Christmas.”

Watch the program yourself to see how it ends.

But I’m going to give you my answer.

This past Sunday we heard these words in the psalm:

“Lord…let us your face, and we shall be saved.”

Now, that’s an interesting expression, for two reasons.

First, to state the obvious, God is pure spirit: 

What can it even mean to speak of God’s “face”? 

I don’t know, but that leads to my second point: 

Many times in the Bible, God says, as he said to Moses, 

you can’t look at my face; 

it will be so overwhelming you will die!

In many other passages, people are AFRAID to see the face of God.

So, imagine praying these words in the psalms, all those centuries?

Asking God for something to SAVE us, 

what everyone feared would bring death?

In fact, most translations soften and say, 

“make your face SHINE” on us. 

But think about that. Is that really enough?

What does a child do, instinctively? Look toward mom or dad.

Whenever I baptize a child, and I hold that child later, what happens?

The baby looks at me, doesn’t recognize me, and BOO HOO!

Would you be content to have your beloved look at you, 

but you don’t look back? See what I mean?

So, Saint Jerome, relying on the Greek version of the Psalms, gives us, “SHOW us your face.”

If you became distant from someone, if you didn’t know someone, 

or if you feared you had offended someone, isn’t that what you’d need?

“SHOW me your face.” You’d know where you stood.

But the biggest problem remains: 

God is Spirit, what does “face” even mean?

Nine months ago was March 25, that was the day, 2024 years ago, 

when Mary conceived, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

A child, just a few cells at first, began to grow in her womb.

God had planned for this, and ensured she was without sin – 

immaculate – as the Mother of his Divine Son; the Mother of God!

Today is when Mary brought forth that child. He was born.

And for the very first time in history, humanity saw His Face!

Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the Magi, and then so many more!

Only Christmas fulfills the longing of that psalm.

There’s a prayer to the “adorable Face” of Christ. 

That doesn’t just mean, oh, what a beautiful baby, 

although of course Jesus was!

No, it is literal. Jesus is God. Therefore, his Face is the Face of God.

Pope Benedict had a powerful insight about this.

He asked, why was it God’s plan to become a baby?

Because He wanted us not to be overwhelmed.

Who is ever afraid of a baby?

Mary and Joseph washed and kissed and comforted God’s Face, 

when Jesus, the God-Man was only a baby, then a boy, then a man.

Veronica wiped the Face of God on the way to Calvary.

At the tomb, on the Day of Resurrection, 

Mary Magdalene was heartbroken, 

but Jesus called her name: she saw his Face!

You might ask, when do you and I see his Face?

We will. But why not now?

If the God-Man had remained here on earth in his Body,

He’d be only in one place at a time, like the rest of us.

So, maybe this Christmas, he’d visit, oh Bangkok Thailand.

How often do you think, under that system, Jesus would visit Dayton? 

And since multiple millions would crowd here, 

what would your chances be?

Now do you understand why Jesus created the Most Holy Eucharist?

It’s not the only reason, but: 

in every church, in every Sacrifice of the Mass, 

just as God in a sense could say – and did say through the Holy Spirit, of Mary’s womb, 

“This is My Body; this is My Blood” – 

so your very ears hear Jesus say, at each and every Mass!

“This is My Body; This is My Blood…given for you!”

You and I have not been denied anything!

There are so many things, so wonderful about Christmas.

But this is the meaning: God has a Face. He shows it. And we are saved.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

True Joy (Sunday homily)

 The keynote of this Sunday, called Gaudete Sunday, is “joy.” 

As you may have noticed, the word “joy” or “rejoice” 

showed up in the readings and the opening prayer.

(And that’s the rationale for rose-colored vestments.)

So, this may seem an odd time to bring this up, but:

Many people feel awkward admitting that

they don’t feel particularly joyful at this time of year.

If you lost someone you love – as we all did, in losing Father Jim! – 

or if you are facing a health crisis, as many of us are, 

or your finances or your family are in chaos,

it can be very hard to feel cheerful or happy, 

no matter how many Bing Crosby or Taylor Swift songs you hear.

That leads to a key point:

Joy is not the same thing as being cheerful, or happy or “up.”

Cheerfulness and being excited and having big smiles are wonderful.

And it’s actually a small but powerful thing you and I can do, each day: 

Smile, say please, and thank you, and be patient.

Don’t get huffy; pray a decade of the Rosary while you wait.

But to make the main point: the Joy we are focusing on today

is not merely an emotion or a mood.

And I’ll give you a powerful example of this that I will never forget.

Many years ago, I was called to the hospital to visit an elderly woman; 

I’d visited her before and now, I pretty much knew, this was the end.

When I entered the room, I was stunned: 

there was probably 15-20 people in that hospital room, 

and that’s not easy to do.

And everyone was praying. “Hail Mary, Hail Mary, Hail Mary…”

Her husband of 60 years was sitting at her side, holding her hand.

Rosemary, in the bed, was leading the prayers!

At a certain point, her voice became a whisper.

Then her husband Don fell silent, and then we all did.

And it became obvious: she was gone from this world.

And right away, Don broke the silence saying,

“I’m heartbroken, but I’m joyful.”

The heartbreak needs no explanation.

But let me explain add some background for Don’s joy.

Don always credited his bride for leading him to Jesus Christ.

Don’s faith was and is uncomplicated but profound.

He’s with us, in another parish, and just celebrated 100 years!

Both he and Rosemary knew – and taught their family –

that with their hearts centered on Jesus, 

closing her eyes to this life meant opening them to Glory!

That is Joy, beyond mere emotion and an up mood.


Some of us are very blessed: things are going really well.

However, some of us are facing pain in our bodies, 

or far worse, in our families and relationships. 

We are grieving, or we are facing a frightening unknown. 

You don’t have to apologize for not being cheerful –

And please, let’s not put anyone on the spot that way, OK?

But you can be joyful.

It’s OK to keep things simple and low-key.

Another reminder: we have confessions every day this week but Friday.

If you are taking part in our “Walk with One” project, 

this is a good week to connect with a family member or friend.

If you want quiet time to pray, 

remember our churches are open each weekday for private prayer.

A great way to be quietly joyful is to do as John the Baptist said:

If you have an extra coat, give it away. Be fair. Be content.

Above all, remember our Creator isn’t far away.

He chose to come not just near us, but to become one of us.

He chose the human path from conception, to birth, to death, 

and to eternal life.

He chose our heartbreak. And that is joy.

Sunday, December 08, 2024

What really is our hope? (Sunday homily)

 The keynote of Advent in general is ETERNITY.

The keynote of this Sunday in Advent is HOPE.

One of the things we Christians exist to do – 

and which you and I must often do for each other – 

is to remind each other that we are created 

not just to exist for a short time, but for eternity.

Think about the dreams and ambitions people have. 

So many of them go far beyond the horizon of this life. 

Look at Elon Musk, who is creating electric cars and 

satellite communications and building rockets to go to Mars. 

Or consider the dream that most people have: 

to meet that special someone and build a family. 

If you marry at, say, 25, maybe by 60 you’ll have a few grandchildren; 

but will you live long enough to see their grandchildren? 

One of the most powerful testimonies to our being made for eternity 

comes at funerals. Why are people sad? 

That sorrow only makes sense because we want more; we expect more.

The nature of love is such that we cannot accept any time limit. 

Again: you and I are made for not a limited existence, but for eternity.

So far, so good. But a far bigger question remains: 

What is that Eternity? What will you and I be like?

Very often, TV shows or movies depict that eternity 

as just a continuation of this life. 

If you like golfing here, you’ll spend eternity golfing there. 

I think that’s meant as a joke, but still: is eternity really 

just this world, repeated forever? Is that actually what we want?

This is why God came into the world, becoming one of us.

The whole point of the Incarnation – which fulfills 

all the promises of the Scriptures – was to give us, 

not some vague promise of eternity, 

but rather, something very specific to hope for and to aim for.

Eternity isn’t just more of the same, forever. 

Eternity is being united with Jesus: to be like him, and to be with him, 

and all the other people who he draws to himself.

The prophet Baruch was speaking to the people of Jerusalem 

when they were at a low point. 

They’d been conquered, their lives wrecked, and their hope destroyed; 

and worst of all, they knew they’d come to this sorry state 

because they’d ignored the voice of God.

Baruch tells them: you need not give up! 

God can change us and make us alive with his glory.

One of the worst temptations many of us face is this: 

to think that we really can’t change, that our sinfulness is just built-in, 

and we’re not going to overcome anger or gluttony or sloth or lust. 

These next two weeks there will be lots of extra confession times 

at our three churches. 

The real point of the sacrament of penance 

is not only to take away the guilt of our sins.

That is only worthwhile if we also receive the grace to change.

And that is what the Prophet Baruch, and John the Baptist, 

want you to know: you can change! 

God will take away the reproach of sin and give you glory!

As I said a moment ago, the task each of us has 

is to be living signs of hope to each other. 

Why should we change, why bother? 

Because you and I have not some vague hope, but a very specific one: 

God came to dwell with us, becoming one of us, 

giving his life to the fullest measure, for us: that’s what the Cross is! 

And he came back from the dead to show us eternal life, 

as well as to prove he wasn’t leaving you and me behind.

Do you believe you are eternal? 

Do you believe Jesus wants you with him, in that eternity? 

That is our hope. Live it! 

And, again, extra confessions are available the next two weeks.

Sunday, December 01, 2024

It's all about Eternity (Sunday homily)

A lot of people say this season of Advent 
is about preparing for Christmas, but that’s not really on the mark.

Advent is about what is “behind” Christmas.
Advent is about what Christmas is about.

Advent is about Eternity.

Saint Paul tells us “to be blameless in holiness 
before our God and Father 
at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his holy ones.”

The opening prayer said, 
“Grant your faithful…the resolve to run forth 
to meet your Christ with righteous deeds at his coming…”

And clearly, the Gospel is not talking about Christmas Day!

So, why do we have these prayers and readings 
in the weeks before Christmas?

The answer is that both Advent and Christmas are a reminder 
that this world – however solid and permanent it may seem – 
is transitory.

And, even if this billions-year-old earth goes on for billions more years, 
you and I will certainly not.

Eternity is ever-present.

Most of us get behind the wheel and drive here and there. 
Very routine.

I recall a very ordinary trip down I-75 on a rainy day. 
I thought I was being reasonably cautious. 
In an instant, my car was spinning out of control!

By the grace of God, I somehow got my car – doing several 360s – 
across 3 lanes, and it came to rest in some tall grass on the roadside.
No injury; my banged-up car was driveable. 
The one word I repeated over and over 
was not something rude, but “Jesus, Jesus!”

That was a reminder of just how close eternity is.

And that is what Advent is: a reminder of the very same thing.
Eternity is closer than we realize.
As real as all this is around us, 
Eternity, while hidden, is infinitely more real.

Now, that might provoke a question:
If Eternity is so much more real than what we usually call “reality,” 
why is it hidden from view? 

I’ll answer that with a question to parents.
Moms and dads, are there not realities you are happy 
to keep your young children from experiencing, for now?

Do you not seek to keep those realities “hidden”?
Does that mean those realities are not real?

Now: God keeps Eternity hidden from us for a different reason: 
not because it’s a harsh reality, but because when we meet Eternity, 
the time for preparation and conversion has ended.

That time to get ready for Eternity is now. 
It is a mercy that God gives us this time.

Let me reiterate: Advent is not “about” preparing for Christmas.
Rather, Advent and Christmas are both about Eternity.

Which leads me to say this.
Some of us have, over the years, 
implored everyone to save Christmas for Christmas;
but I am, here and now, raising the white flag! 

Instead, I’m proposing something not so difficult and ultimately more important. 

As people around us celebrate Christmas, 
help them realize what Christmas truly means.

Many people want to domesticate Christmas, make it tame.
It’s just a nice story. It’s just about the “good feels.”
It’s about romance, or about being more pleasant than you really are.

That version of Christmas is safe – but it is empty.
You and I have the next few weeks, when it’s all Christmas, Christmas, 
to bear witness: Eternity is real and we will all face it.

There is no reason to die from fright.
Instead, be ready. You and I were made for Eternity.

There’s a TV channel promoting its movie lineup promising, 
“The Best Christmas Ever”!

No: the best Christmas ever will be when Jesus finds us ready.

Maybe you saw the postcard we sent, 
inviting each of us to look around for family or friends 
who could use that reminder.

During this time of remembering Eternity, 
maybe there is someone you want to include?
There’s a live Nativity at Good Hope next weekend: invite someone!
There are opportunities for prayer and reflection, 
and there will be extra confessions scheduled during December. 
Bring someone along!