Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Off to see the USA!


Well, it's not in a Chevrolet, but a Honda -- rhyme doesn't work -- but I'm off to see America! 

Sunday afternoon, immediately after our first Corpus Christi Procession for our St. John Paul II Family of Parishes, I jumped in the car and drove west; I didn't stop till I got to St. Louis -- although it turned out to be the wrong Pear Tree Inn, who knew there was more than one? But I sorted that out and got to the right one, about 20 minutes further down the road, so no backtracking. 

Where am I headed? Well, tune in soon for further updates! 

Oh, and robbers? The house is not empty. TOP* is there, enjoying a well earned respite from me. He may not react well if you snoop around! 

I'm writing this at the beginning of Day 3, so if things go well, I'll be able to do some catching up. 

*The Other Priest

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